RC Holstentor, Lübeck, Germany, August 2007

Taking advantage of the gathering of the Tall Ships in Szczecin we were pleased to welcome 3 members of the Holstentor Club, of Lübeck together with their wives from the 3rd to the 5th August. The three members were;- Prof. Dr. Hans Arnold, President of the Club and wife Heike, Klaus-Michael Kobs, Leader of the International Service Team and wife Sabine, Horst Schulz, Member and his wife Ingrid.
On the first evening RC Sczcecin Pomerania hosted a dinner, attended by President, Phil Brooks and Anna, International Service Team leader Ronald Stone and Liliana and International Team member Isa Perera and Czarek. General discussions about the clubs took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Further activities revolved around the following programme which was organized by Alex Nielsen:
– City tour of Szczecin guided by Michael Glueck,
– Cruise around the Tall Ships,
– Deck Party on Board Sailing Ship Christian Radich.
Our thanks to Mr Dominczak of the First Rotary Club in Szczecin for assistance with the arrangements. During these events our members had the opportunity to meet with our friends from Holstentor and suggestions for future co-operation were proposed.Phil Brooks

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