Vernisage of Mikolaj Obrycki

07.10.2011 hosts of “Gutshaus Ramin e.v.” – Jolanta Grenke and Edward Orlowski/current president of our club/ together with Ewa Baczynska-the owner of the modern Art Gallery “Schowek” organised Mikolaj Obrycki’s vernissage.
Mikolaj Obrycki is a young and talented artist born in Szczecin who currently creates in Poznan. His works cover many themes and in his artistic ventures his painntings had been shown in over 50 exhibitions around Europe.
Before the exhibition the guests could enjoy a lecture on “Polish Paintings” by Joanna Szczepanik from Szczecin’s National Museum and take part in a discussion lead by prof.Kuskowski from Szczecin’s Art Academy about investing in art.
The exibition centred itself on the works inspired by Jazz music,one of the many themes the artist likes to explore. The most popular works amongst the spectators were definitely the big Jazz musicians portraits,painted black and white still retained the dynamic characteristics of the style and the red colour of some only added to the effect.The diversity of the authors creativity and ideas radiated from the jazz cows and sousage dog that were entwined between the portraits. Accompanied by a live Jazz band the guest enjoyed the paintings in an atmosphere that truly allowed bringing this style into the small German village of Ramin. An experience remarkable and not falling short of the promise set by the “Jazz Around” exhibition. Needless to say it was a great succes that gathered quite a large group of spectators.